Treatment of psoriasis at home

Usually to get a positive result (reduction of symptoms and prolonging the periods of remission) are used medicines prescribed by the doctor. However, in some cases, a considerable effect can also be achieved with the help of home recipes.


How to treat psoriasis in the house, such as ointments and folk remedies help you to get a positive result, how not to be evil, the choice of the grandmother's methods of treatment? On this our article. In it lies the answer to the question about the adequacy of homeopathy in the treatment of psoriasis.

How to defeat psoriasis: treatment at home

Most of the people affected by this disease, the affected, how to treat psoriasis in the house for ever, and if this is possible? This question is particularly important for those patients who due to some reasons can not or do not want to deal with the experience of traditional medicine and prefer the treatment of the grandmother means.

In the first place, it is worth noting that in order to achieve a complete healing of psoriasis at the moment is not possible – and this applies both to the methods of traditional medicine, and popular recipes. Psoriasis refers to the category of non-communicable diseases, and is characterized by the switch with the periods of exacerbations and remissions. The only thing that can be achieved with a variety of methods of treatment is to reduce the degree of intensity of the manifestations of the disease, and the extension of the periods of remission. In some cases, the disease can retreat into a long period of time (up to tens of years), but the symptoms in each case, taken in the future.

To improve the state of the patient and improve the defenses of your body there are many different methods. One of them – the treatment of psoriasis on the head, face and body folk remedies. To have in the house a remarkable result and improve the general health may not always, however, this method can give you remarkable results, if the rational approach to its use.

One of the main requirements that must be followed during the treatment of psoriasis folk remedies and recipes of the grandmother is a pre-consultation with the doctor. A specialist will be able to predict the effectiveness of such therapy, taking into account the assessment of the general state of health of the patient, his age, presence/absence of pathologies of organs and systems, the shape, the severity and location of the disease, the presence of the patient, contraindications, and allergic reactions vis-à-vis some of the ingredients of home recipes. If neglected this requirement and do self-medication, it is possible to obtain the passage of a more serious disease running in the form.

Remedies for psoriasis

To fight with the platelets, dryness, itching, redness and flaking of the skin are used decoctions and infusions of herbs, lotions and compresses, ointments, bath-tubs and bath-tubs, shampoo and conditioners. Prepare most of them can be alone at home.

What are the ingredients that are most commonly used for the preparation of the people drugs for psoriasis?


Fat.Grease is a lubricant that is a viscous, rich yellow, brown or brown color. Is obtained with the method of thickening is different, with the use of vegetable oils or synthetic fatty acids. In the people of recipes from psoriasis is a widely used doctor fat, in which the composition of the technical. On the basis of preparing ointments, soaps, shampoos, toothpastes. Among the advantages of the funds fat refers to the following: with their help, it is possible to obtain a relatively rapid reduction of the peeling of the skin, reduce the intensity of itching and burning. Also thanks to the use of fat there is a reduction of the square of the areas concerned, occurs in the healing of wounds. With regard to my grandmother's methods of treatment of psoriasis with the help of this tool, the most simple of these is the lubrication of the affected areas grassoom for 20-60 minutes followed by flushing with the use of soap.

The sodium bicarbonate.There are many effective methods to populate the treatment of psoriasis at home the bicarbonate of sodium. As one of the versions of this disease occurs due to the acidity of the blood, through the use of sodium bicarbonate is its alkalinization. The sodium bicarbonate is used for the preparation of baths, wraps, and ointments, and also accept a diluted within. Its effects on the affected skin is the following: there occurs a loosening psoriatic platelets, decrease of itching and redness of the skin. In addition, soda also helps to improve blood and lymphatic circulation, eliminates toxins and waste. It is worth mentioning the availability of this tool, its low cost and relatively high efficiency.

Tar.Birch or fir tar is a thick, viscous substance of yellow color, brown or brown in colour, received as a result of dry distillation of wood. In the composition of birch and conifer wood, includes a range of valuable substances, including organic acids, essential oils, Cresols, guaiacol, phenol, toluene, etc), with antiseptic, disinfectant and keratolytic properties. Because of this tar ointments, soaps and shampoos are widely used for the treatment of psoriasis.

Herbal medicine.The psoriasis treated with ointments, lotions, decoctions and infusions of herbs. For this purpose the use of a series, chamomile, burdock root, valerian, dandelion, lavender, mint, linden, meadowsweet, young baskets sunflower, etc. If you select this method of treatment we must not forget that almost all of the phyto products can be the cause of allergies.

Juice of celandine.Well has been proven to be a psoriasis treatment at home with the help of celandine. The easiest way to use this plant is to apply a few drops torn stem celandine on the place of defeat. However, it is necessary to consider that the juice of this plant can be dangerous, so you need to make sure that does not fall on a healthy skin. It is also worthwhile to understand that the application of the juice of celandine should be strictly dosed.

The sea salt. The adoption of tanks prepared with a base of sea salt, gives a positive result in the treatment of psoriasis at home. Thanks to the presence in its composition of useful minerals and minerals (iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorides, sulfates, etc.,) occurs a reduction of the intensity of the itching, reduction of skin peeling, improvement of the mood of the patient, the normalization of his sleep, and the liberation from irritability. It is recommended that you use large sea salt crystals (for example, received from the water of the Dead sea), purchased at the pharmacy or in the shops of cosmetics. If the patient is not possible to buy sea salt, you can prepare a bath of chloride salt, food.

sea salt

Turpentine. The founder the treatment of various diseases (including psoriasis) with the help of turpentine baths has talked about in the beginning of the TWENTIETH century doctor . Proposed to them the technique has been shown to be very effective: after the course turpentine baths many people who suffer from psoriasis, marking an improvement of their condition. The treatment with the indicated method involves the addition of a special bath emulsion, that comprises a purified turpentine, herbal extracts, powder, baby soap, vegetable oils, and other components. However, it is worth considering that turpentine baths have contraindications, including low blood pressure, pregnancy, liver cirrhosis, tuberculosis, etc. Also need to remember that there are different varieties of turpentine emulsions, each of which is assigned when a certain type of psoriasis, and also has its own features and drawbacks. Clarify them with the doctor or the pharmacist.

The starch.The starch is used in the preparation of baths to reduce itching and flaking, characteristic for psoriasis. It is necessary to consider that as a side effect after immersion in tanks with starch can occur dryness of the skin, so their adoption should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Flax seeds, sea buckthorn, burdock, olive oil.Food of plant oils with emollient properties and regenerative, through which occurs a substantial improvement of the condition of the skin, reduction of square defeat, accelerating the regeneration of the affected skin. They are normally used for the lubrication of the platelets, and skin rashes.

Oats. To fight the psoriasis often use oats – prepare a decoction by ingestion, added to the bath, rub cereals and platelets. While taking stock of oatmeal inside, you see the cleaning of the intestine, improves the circulation of the blood and, therefore, the purification of the skin. For external use you use oats patients, stress that platelets pale, their number is reduced, it reduces the itching and flaking of the skin.

The essential oils.For the treatment of psoriasis home remedies are widely used essential oils of spruce, black cumin, ylang-ylang, lavender, rose, jasmine, sage, tea tree, eucalyptus, etc., Usually a couple of drops of oil added in the bath, cream, shampoo or ointment. Incoming in the composition of essential oils components have properties that are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, calming and regenerating. In addition to the beneficial effects on the affected skin, essential oils also increase the body's defenses, improve the mood, eliminate irritability, and normalize sleep. It is necessary to consider that the essential oils can cause allergic reactions, therefore, before their application, it is necessary to perform the test: apply 1 drop on your wrist and wait 15 minutes. Also, do not forget that some oils have contraindications, the most common of which is pregnancy.

The mustard powder.In the composition of mustard powder contains vitamins a, D, And e, unsaturated fatty acids and essential oils. Thanks to this, the mustard powder enters into the composition of many medications home psoriasis in the head, elbows, soles, hands and other parts of the body. Its use helps to improve the blood circulation in the affected areas of the skin, reduce flaking and the regeneration of the skin.

In addition to those listed above funds to fight against psoriasis at home can be used the following methods.


Therapeutic fasting.Fasting is a radical method of treatment of psoriasis at home, so before you start, be sure to consult your doctor. The duration of the period of refusal of food would depend on the age of the patient, his state of health, and the degree of severity of the disease. Depending on these factors, the time of fasting varies from 2-3 to 20-30 days, preceded by a preparatory period. In some cases, with the help of fasting can significantly prolong the periods of remission and reduce the area of losses. The positive effect of this technique is the following: is the cleaning of the intestine, because of what we see improvement in the blood circulation and the general condition of the skin.

The treatment with the help of a steam bath or sauna.In some cases, the skin smoldering under the effect of high temperatures produces positive results: dry particles of the affected areas more easily sloughed off, decreasing the intensity of the itching. However, this method of treatment must be approached with caution, as many people have noticed a worsening of the symptoms of the disease after visiting steam room or sauna. In addition, this method is unacceptable in the presence of erythrodermic psoriaris, pustular psoriasis, and even if the disease is in the acute phase. It is also worth remembering that before going into a steam bath, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Purification of the blood, bowel, kidneys, liver. One of the supporters of general cleaning of the body in psoriasis is considered to be John Pegano. This chiropractor doctor equal to the power supply system, which is designed to clean the gastrointestinal tract, the lymph and the blood. Many patients with psoriasis and on his own experience diet Pegano, show a substantial improvement of their condition.

How to prepare an ointment from psoriasis: the popular recipes

For the preparation of ointments can be used on several components – tar, grease, eggs, vegetable oils, sodium bicarbonate, and so on Below you will find a list of the most common recipes for ointments used for the treatment of psoriasis.

Shell of ointment prepared from 4 eggs and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.Whisk the ingredients until to obtain a homogeneous mass, after that add to them 1 tablespoon of acetic acid. The obtained mixture is coated by causing psoriatic plaques, and skin rashes.

Ointment psoriasis from the root filipendulae. The root of the plant is necessary to grind in a blender or a coffee grinder, after that connect with vaseline, stir until the mixture is smooth and heat in a bain-marie. To cool and lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

The cream of mustard.To prepare the cream, mustard from psoriasis, it is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of mustard powder, 1 teaspoon of olive oil or sea buckthorn oil and 4 teaspoon of eucalyptus dyes. Combine the ingredients, mix and lubricate received the ointment of the platelets.


Ointment of propolis from psoriasis.100 g of butter need 5 g of propolis. Ingredients heated in a double boiler and continuously stir it for 5-10 minutes. The mixture is cooled and applied on the affected area of the body. Ready ointment stored in the refrigerator.